In recent years, automotive technology has evolved, reaching unprecedented heights. Cars today are not just engines, saloons and tires. They are high-tech devices that connect to each other, charge at home, are controlled remotely.
Cars are increasingly changing the way big cities operate and forcing us to adapt to a cleaner, greener future. Which we definitely need.
Thinking more and more about what your next car will be, the question undoubtedly arises whether not to leave the conventional car with an internal combustion engine and switch to one with an alternative way of charging.
There are a few things you need to know and keep in mind when considering a purchase.
First of all, there are several types of alternative charging.
1. Hybrids (HEV) use an internal combustion engine and an electric motor. They use kinetic energy or a generator to charge the batteries of the electric motor. The downside is that they are much more expensive than cars with internal combustion engines
2. Plug-in hybrids (PHEV), which use the same technology, but also have an external input for charging batteries from the mains.
3. All-electric vehicles (EV or PEV) as well as fuel cell vehicles (FCV or FCEV).
The most common are electric cars. But why choose electric?
Electric cars do not emit any harmful emissions, so they are the most environmentally friendly. If you have decided to contribute to the preservation of the planet, then the electric car is a logical choice. Roughly speaking, no matter how much electricity you use, you will save a significant amount of money on liquid fuels. And here the important point is that if you do not have a charging station at home or at work, you will encounter difficulties. The infrastructure in our country is still not sufficiently developed (with only 368 public charging stations), but there are positive trends and an increase in their number.
Among the most important advantages is the lack of any service.
Another advantage is the surprisingly easy operation. You have practically only one speed, which gives you instant acceleration without slowing down. They are extremely quiet, the only noise is the rotation of the tires.
Lithium-ion batteries usually power electric vehicles. The reason is that they have a long life because of their technology. It is very possible to change your car before the battery has completely lost its charge, as modern batteries retain about 80% of their charge after 5000 cycles (One charge cycle is completed when you use / use 100% of the battery capacity).
It is estimated that an electric car can travel 1 million km without a problem, which is many times more than a car with an internal combustion engine. Damage is never ruled out, but the warranty on the battery (and the car) is at least 5 years. The specifics of the warranty is that it will be fulfilled if the battery has been treated properly and according to the manufacturer's instructions. Therefore, you must carefully read the warranty conditions.
Any service to which we are accustomed to conventional cars with internal combustion engines (change of oils, filters, belts, etc.) disappears once you get an electric car.
The lack of consumables can save you up to BGN 400-500 per year. Electric cars also lack leaks, smoke and all kinds of pollutants. Their brakes have a very long life, and their service is reduced to computer diagnostics and operation. Brake pads, changing tires and wipers are a constant consumable.
Refueling and fuel
Here you have to do the calculations for your car yourself. But the evidence is not to be ignored. Namely, that you save many times more by using an electric car, compared to refueling in a conventional car. Additionally, if you charge the car at home, at night rate, the numbers will be minimal.
Fees and benefits
In a number of countries, there are significant incentives for buying an electric car, including government support if you wish to purchase. In our country, partial funding from the state has not yet been accepted, but there are a number of other reliefs such as:
- Exemption from local tax
The owners of an electric car fill out a declaration stating that a circumstance has occurred that leads to tax relief.
- Reduced ecotax upon registration
One-time relief of about BGN 60.
- No paid parking areas
Electric cars are exempt from paying the blue and green zone
- Free charging of municipal charging stations
Weather conditions
Like anything, climatic conditions affect the way the car and battery work. In extreme conditions, mileage on a single charge will be reduced due to the use of more features. On winter days, mileage can be reduced to about 20-25%.
Another proven fact is that due to the cold, the batteries charge more slowly and retain less charge. There are ways to optimize energy. It's like warming up the car while it's charging. The new models can also be controlled remotely. Also use economy mode.
What next?
- There is a proposal for state support to the consumer so that more and more Bulgarians can have access to an electric car. This is due to the desire of the current government to 2020 electric cars to become about 30,000 on the roads in our country. For comparison, at the end of 2020 they are 3,000. In parallel, about 10,000 charging stations should be available.
- Another proposal is a VAT exemption, which amounts to 20% of the price.
SIMPL will continue to inform you about the specifics accompanying the purchase of an electric car.
Until then, we share a curious fact:
Rental cars prevent 14 tons of greenhouse gases from entering the atmosphere.