SIMPL decided to change the market and give access to new cars in a SIMPL way. How?
We offer one packed service for long-term rent for new cars. In one monthly payment we've gathered it all: the car itself + all the maintenance it needs + assistant, and for you we provided tranquility. You don't have to memorise when the next car inspection is, you don't have to wait in line at the service center, you don't have to think where to change your tires and where to store them, where to service the car, hasten in the traffic to not miss that important meeting. You can count on our trustworthy assistant about anything related to the car. Sounds impossible, right? SIMPL made it possible, easy and аccessible only for one month installment - NO hidden fees and conditions.
We offer:
-Flexible options for the rental period and mileage
-Easy renting procedure
-Easy exit from the rent
-Digital contract signing
-Delivery of the vehicle
-Full service package
-SIMPL Assistant
SIMPL made the perfect product accompanied by the perfect service for the PERFECT customer experience.
Order your SIMPL Car today and drive with a smile.